

As a part of the commemoration of 25 years of Beijing platform for action, on 5th February 2020 Msichana Initiative and Her Ability Foundation launched the campaign with the title of I am Beijing +25 for the purpose of ensuring Tanzania young girls become aware of the Beijing platform for action and are actively taking part in shaping the actions for realization of gender equality.
Msichana Initiative and Her ability Foundation recognize and acknowledge the role played by Tanzanian women in setting and influencing the agenda and the content of the Beijing Platform for Action back in 1995. However, Msichana Initiative and Her ability worry that, young women especially those born from 1995 barely understand, or relate to Beijing Platform for Action. Although efforts to bring young women on board are seen, such efforts are ad hoc, urban centered, tokenistic, conventionally and traditionally done, and therefore not tapping into the girls sense of belonging into the movement.
The objectives of this campaign is to Create a new cadre of young Beijing champions who will take the button from the 1995 Beijing Veterans in setting the agenda, monitoring and advancing gender equality and to Create a network of young people that will foster and sustain momentum on girl’s engagement for gender equality agenda at sub national and national level. Msichana Initiative and Her Ability envisage to recruit 25 girls from different parts of Tanzania with diverse backgrounds and set of skills to be the front liners in mobilizing and galvanizing action towards the realization of gender equality and addressing of gender related challenges at sub national, national levels and beyond.